PDIP 13 - Redeploying our Uniswap Liquidity

Proposal Executed

The transactions have been executed in order to implement PDIP 13 - Redeploying our Uniswap Liquidity.

There were no issues, and as a result, we have removed our liquidity from the 0.3% PDT/WETH pool and redeployed in line with the above proposal. I’ve included a selection of important links and addresses below:

Uniswap Pools

  • Uniswap: V3 PDT/WETH Pool (0.3%): 0x786B582a0bBCAC5d192D7e039f49C116aC5f05A8
  • Uniswap: V3 PDT/WETH Pool (1.0%): 0x75ea68f3c8c59bbc032dfce2db0705e2c6efad0b
  • Uniswap: V3 PDT/PRIME Pool (1.0%): 0xf3e996148839df04153c70865cff12559fd3fad1
  • Uniswap: V3 PRIME/WETH Pool (1.0%): 0xcd423f3ab39a11ff1d9208b7d37df56e902c932b

Uniswap NFTs


  • Dashboard to Check LP Performance: revert