PCCP 6: Treasury Council-Specific Proposals and Votes (change on PDIPs 1 and 3)

Author: FlapJackson


This PCCP outlines the need for an organized naming convention for Treasury Council-specific proposals and votes. It builds on the concepts voted through in PDIP 1 and PDIP 3.


Over the last Council Epochs, it has become apparent that our current governance structure does not include any specifications for naming conventions of proposals and votes that do not require Paragons Council vote, but that do require a Treasury Council vote.

This has led to ad-hoc naming of certain proposals and votes, leading to disorganization and confusion around certain past proposals and votes.


Treasury Improvement Proposals (TIPs)

Mirrors the naming convention of ParagonsDAO Improvement Proposals (PDIPs).

The scope of TIPs includes new treasury considerations that do not arise as a result of a PDIP or PCCP.

For example, the Treasury Council has full accountability for the DAO’s liquidity provisions, investments, and compensation for contributors. So, past proposals/votes introducing new concepts around the liquidity we provide, how we direct our ETH, or introducing a new executive/developer incentive plan could be considered TIPs.

Treasury Configuration Change Proposals (TCCPs)

Mirrors the naming convention of ParagonsDAO Configuration Change Proposals (PCCPs).

The scope of TCCPs includes adjustments to the specifications of TIPs that have been previously voted through.

For example, if the Treasury Council were to vote on changing our liquid staking provider from Lido to Frax, this could be outlined in a simplified TCCP that references the initial TIP.


All TIPs and TCCPs should be shared via Discourse for broader DAO visibility.

Based on the situation and timeliness of the proposal, this may be an opportunity to engage the community for feedback/suggestions/changes. In some situations, it may just be to publicly document a proposal that will be immediately voted on for the purposes of timeliness or strategic benefit.


All TIPs and TCCPs should be officially voted on by the Treasury Council, through the Treasury Council’s Snapshot space.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


:+1: Having a differentiation between Treasury and DAO’s proposals makes alot of sense.