PDIP 22 - Implementing Discord's Forum Channels for Community Ideas Submission

This PDIP proposes adopting Discord’s Forum Channel feature to provide a structured platform for the DAO community to submit and discuss ideas in a threaded format, leading to improved visibility and a lower barrier to entry for more efficient governance.

Our very first PDIP states, “Authors should vet their ideas before starting the PDIP process to ensure the idea has some community support and hasn’t already been raised and rejected. The ParagonsDAO Discord is likely the best place to vet your ideas.” Although we do have a #pdao-discuss channel within our Discord, the linear nature of it means that valuable ideas can quickly become buried, limiting community engagement and the Council’s ability to follow up effectively.


Discord’s Forum Channel feature offers a more organized and accessible platform for community members to submit and discuss ideas related to PDAO governance and development. This will allow for a more open and structured dialogue where Council and Community members can weigh in and gauge interest. Since the official PDIP structure is quite formal, this can also be a place where Councilors can facilitate the transition of valuable discussions into that format.

This should be relatively straightforward for The Kangaroo, especially since we already make use of the same feature for Priming feature requests

As bonds are coming online, and the community is likely to grow exponentially, it would be great to get this feature up and running within the next few weeks, ideally before August 1st.

This PDIP aims to improve the ParagonsDAO community’s ability to contribute to the governance process by providing a structured platform for idea submission and discussion. Implementing Discord’s Forum Channel feature will, we believe, lead to more informed decision-making and a more engaged community.