PDIP 20 - Transparency thru Public Release of Weekly Meeting Attendance & Minutes

Summary: This proposal aims to increase transparency within the ParagonsDAO by making the minutes from the Paragons Council meetings and an attendance list of council members publicly available weekly.

Background: Transparency is essential for a DAO to maintain trust among token holders and ensure democratic governance. Currently, limited information is available about the discussions and decisions made during Paragons Council meetings, which may lead to concerns about opacity and lack of accountability. Also, currently, the only way a DAO member can evaluate a sitting Council Member’s performance is by their own self-evaluation at the end of the epoch.

Objective: To provide a more transparent and accountable governance process by publicly releasing minutes from Paragons Council meetings, including an attendance list of council members. This will draw back the curtains a little and provide the added benefit of enabling a more complete evaluation of contributions throughout the epoch.


  • Weekly Minutes Release: The Paragons Council shall publish a summary of the discussions and decisions made during each weekly meeting, along with an attendance list of council members who participated.
  • Public Access: The minutes and attendance list will be made available to the public on a designated platform, such as the ParagonsDAO website, Discord, this or another dedicated forum.
  • Transparency and Accuracy: The minutes will be an accurate and comprehensive record of the discussions and decisions made during the meeting, ensuring that token holders have access to the relevant information.
  • Format and Accessibility: The minutes and attendance list will be formatted in a clear and concise manner, with an easily digestible summary of the key points discussed and decisions made.
  • Timely Release: The minutes and attendance list will be released within 48 hours of the meeting’s conclusion, ensuring that token holders have timely access to the information.

Rationale: By making the minutes and attendance list from Paragons Council meetings public, the DAO can demonstrate its commitment to transparency, accountability, and democratic governance. This will help to build trust among token holders and promote a more open and collaborative decision-making process. The increased transparency will also enable a more complete evaluation of council members’ contributions throughout the epoch, fostering a culture of accountability and encouraging active participation.

Implementation: The proposal will require a modification to the existing governance process, specifically in the Paragons Council’s meeting structure and reporting protocol. This will involve creating a standard template for the minutes and attendance list, designating someone as scribe at each meeting, and establishing a consistent platform and format for their release.

Conclusion: The proposed release of public minutes and attendance list from Paragons Council meetings will help to increase transparency within the ParagonsDAO, promoting a more accountable and democratic governance process. We encourage the ParagonsDAO community to consider and support this proposal to improve transparency and foster a more open and collaborative environment for all token holders.


I love this idea and proposal. I agree on you core principles stated as how a DAO should operate, and while the Council governance we have was to help be more efficient it was not intended to be any less transparent.
Looking forward to hearing the other Council Members thoughts on this, however any changes that help engage all PDT members more is a plus in my opinion.


This is a great idea and brilliant way to show transparency from the council to the community. There may need to be some caveats on what is included for confidentiality/strategic reasons. But overall I am in support of this PDIP.

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In internal discussions with the Council, it became apparent that @Useless already takes extensive notes within a framework he developed. He subsequently posted them, threaded under the Agenda that is posted before meetings within the private Council Discord area. We did discuss rotating the responsibility of being Scribe; @DeFi_Ted suggested last in the door for each meeting should do it. However, the legend that he is, @Useless mentioned he would be happy to take on that role.

We also talked about creating a commonwealth.im community, partly to host the minutes, but also with a view to replacing some other aspects of our org, including this current (Discourse discuss) forum. Personally I would like to go with the something more expeditious, and simply post the minutes to a public Forum Channel. We might talk further about whether the old placement is still required, how we might edit any sensitive notes, and whether they should be locked or allow threaded comments below…