PCCP-7: Change in Salary Payment Process and Responsibility


This proposal aims to change the process of salary payments from the Core Contributor Council to the Treasury Council. It also proposes that CFO Milamber be responsible for all onboarding and offboarding of contributor payments. All funds will then be managed via the Treasury Council multisig.


The current process of salary payments is managed by the Core Contributor Council. This proposal suggests a change in this process, shifting the responsibility to the Treasury Council. This change will streamline the management of funds with the Treasury Council.


The motivation behind this proposal is to improve the efficiency and transparency of the salary payment process. Furthermore, assigning the CFO Milamber the responsibility of onboarding and offboarding of contributor payments will ensure a single point of contact and responsibility, further improving the process with the Treasury Council as oversight.


Change of Salary Payment Process: The responsibility of salary payments will be transferred from the Core Contributor Council to the Treasury Council.

Role of CFO Milamber: CFO Milamber will be responsible for all onboarding and offboarding of contributor payments. This includes managing the process of adding new contributors to the payment system and removing those who are no longer contributing.

Management of Funds: All funds will be managed via the Treasury Council multisig. This will ensure transparency and accountability.


The proposed changes aim to improve the efficiency and transparency of the salary payment process. By centralizing the process and assigning clear roles and responsibilities, we can ensure a smoother operation and better management of funds.


Upon approval of this proposal, the changes will be implemented immediately. The Treasury Council will take over the salary payment process, and CFO Milamber will start managing the onboarding and offboarding of contributor payments.